Aluminum Butterfly 2023

The Aluminum Butterfly was an instant hit when we first released it. It hit the spot. A modern take on the classic design, the original did its job. But the Butterfly is a potent design, a classic worth many takes from many angles. So we thought, what the heck, let’s do it all again.

The closest design we have gotten to a long-spinning metal yo-yo that plays just like the original plastic Butterfly, the new Aluminum Butterfly features a small bearing, thin pads, and new delrin caps. Also featuring a smaller diameter that is closer to that of the original Butterfly, all of these small tweaks contribute to a totally different yo-yo from the old BFAL.
Classics are classics for a reason. Try out the all-new Butterfly and you’ll see what we mean!
NOTE: This includes one pair of Butterfly Logo and one pair of Psychedelic Logo stickers! With or without logo, this yo-yo looks super sleek.
Aluminum Imperial 2023

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of throwing and catching a Duncan Imperial: The weight of the yo-yo as it leaves your hand, the humming when it lands at the bottom of the string, the satisfying thud when it returns to your palm. The Duncan Imperial is the perfect representation of everything that made us fall in love with yo-yo in the first place. We pay homage to that love story with the all-new Duncan Imperial AL.

It’s the perfect Duncan Imperial you remember from the early days of your yo-yo career, distilled and refined for the yo-yo player of today. Updated with a sleek look and a slightly flared gap, the Imperial AL brings the classic spirit of the original Imperial to a fully modernized top. It’s a long-spinning ball-bearing yo-yo that you can play how you want: If you want old-school flavor, it’s got old-school flavor; if you want a string-trick ripper, it’s a string-trick ripper.

Throw-back and throw down with the Imperial AL!